Before you bid for properties, you need to make sure that you can afford to pay the rent, rent in advance, council tax, utility bills and all the other costs that come with moving to a new property. If your bid is successful and you are offered a property you will normally move quite quickly.

In administering the Council’s Housing Register and allocations processes, the Councils work with local housing associations to ensure that accommodation offers are affordable for households in need. In some circumstances, it is possible that you may be rejected by a registered housing provider (housing association) if you are nominated for a tenancy and you are struggling to repay debts or if it comes to light at that stage that you are in debt. If you are struggling to repay debt, please contact us now so we can investigate ways in which you can be supported to resolve your financial difficulties whilst we process your application for housing.

If you are offered a property, we want to make sure that you are fully prepared to manage a home, and are aware of the rights and responsibilities that go with a tenancy. Whilst registered providers (Landlords) requirements may vary, to get you ready, you can find some easy steps by visiting Sovereign’s website

The following organisations are available to help with debt management:


Citizens Advice provides free, confidential and impartial advice. As the UK's largest advice provider, the Citizens Advice service also delivers a range of money advice services.

The Money Advice Service provides free and impartial money advice, set up by the government:

  • Advice and guides to help improve your finances.
  • Tools and calculators to help keep track and plan ahead.
  • Check if you can afford to pay the rent and other costs associated with moving.
  • Test to work out and determine your level of debt and see how you can get back on track with your finances.


Debt Advice Foundation is a specialist debt charity offering free, confidential advice on any aspect of debt.


National Debtline is a charity which provides free and independent advice over the phone and online.


StepChange provides free debt advice, to help you deal with your debt and set up a solution.