Who can apply for properties through Hampshire Home Choice

How do I apply to join the Housing Register

I have forgotten my login reference

I have forgotten my password

How to upload your supporting documents

What documents do I need to provide

What happens if I do not provide the required documents

I’ve completed an online application to join Hampshire Home Choice via Test Valley Borough Council. What happens next?

How do I know if I have been accepted onto the Housing Register

Can you refuse to accept me onto the Hampshire Home Choice Housing Register

What is a local connection to qualify for Hampshire Home Choice

What is a local connection for a village/parish vacancy

Can you suspend my application

How are applications prioritised

What do I do if my circumstances change

Do I need to renew my application each year

What if someone in my household has a health or welfare condition

How often are properties advertised

Where are properties advertised

​What information will the property adverts contain

What is an Affordable Rented property

What is a Fixed Term Tenancy

How do I express an interest in a property

How many properties can I express an interest in

How long will I have to bid for a property

Will I know how many other people are interested in the same property

How do you decide who is offered a property

If I successfully bid for a rented property, can the landlord refuse to let it to me

If I am offered a property, will I be able to view it before making up my mind

What if I don’t like the property when I have seen it

How will I know what has happened to the properties advertised

Can I take my pets with me

Do I have to give notice to my current landlord

Are carpets and appliances provided

What other options are there for housing

What if I become homeless

How do I request a review of a decision


Who can apply for properties through Hampshire Home Choice

You must have been accepted onto the Hampshire Home Choice Housing Register to be able to apply for rented properties through Hampshire Home Choice. To be accepted applicants must be:

  • Aged 16 years or over, and
  • Eligible as prescribed in regulations made by the Secretary of State, and
  • A qualifying person in accordance with the Hampshire Home Choice Allocations Framework.
How do I apply to join the Housing Register

You will need to complete an application form. To do this you will need to register an application online. The Help page will tell you how to complete an application.

I have forgotten my login reference

The Help page will tell you how to retrieve your login reference.  

I have forgotten my password

The Help page will tell you how to reset your password.   

How to upload your supporting documents

The Help page will tell you how to upload your supporting documents.

What documents do I need to provide

If you do not upload your documents your application will be closed after 28 days.

  • Proof of eligibility – if you are not a British Citizen you will need to provide proof that you have recourse to public funds.  This can be your passport with a visa, home office documents, residence card, copies are accepted.
  • Proof of address – this can be a professional letter, council tax bill, NHS letter, utility bill, bank statement, tenancy agreement, welfare benefit award letter, insurance letter.  You can also use your driver’s license, for some applications, as long as it has the correct address, copies are accepted.  Letters and bills need to be dated within the past 2 months.
  • Proof of child benefit – if you have children dependent on you for accommodation please provide evidence you are receiving child benefit.  For those who may not receive child benefit for all children, copies of the child element of Universal credit awards will be accepted.
  • Proof of Local Connection – you need to demonstrate you meet the Local Connection criteria.  There are a number of ways to qualify for local connection, you need to meet just one of the following:
  • Resident in area for 12 months – this can be confirmation of your current address
  • Resident in area for 3 out of the past 5 years – this could be a tenancy agreement, past letters/documents with your address on it, old council tax bills
  • Have a close family member (Parents, siblings, grandparents or adult children) in area who have lived here for 5 years –
  • Paid employment of at least 16 hours per week, in the area, for a minimum of 12 months on either a permanent or fixed term contract or you are self-employed – this can be your contract of employment, a letter from your employer, a statement from your accountant.

For those applying to Winchester City Council you will also be required to provide evidence of property tenure, such as proof you are living with parents or family or in private rented accommodation etc.

Once you have uploaded your documents an officer will assess and process your application.  You will receive further correspondence via email or letter.  In some cases you may be asked to provide additional documents, but this will be dependent on individual applications.

If you are submitting an Update or Annual Renewal you do not need to upload your supporting documents again unless:

  • You have moved address (please upload proof of your new address) or
  • You are adding a new household member (please upload proof of ID for any new household members you are adding).
What happens if I do not provide the required documents

If you do not provide requested information within the timescales your application may be cancelled.

I’ve completed an online application to join Hampshire Home Choice via Test Valley Borough Council. What happens next?

For Test Valley to assess your application you need to upload your supporting documents.  An officer cannot assess your application without these documents, we give you 28 days to provide them. The documents Test Valley require are listed below:

  • Proof of ID for everyone in your household – this can be a passport, drivers licence, birth certificates or residence cards, copies are accepted.
  • Proof of eligibility – if you are not a British Citizen you will need to provide proof that you have recourse to public funds.  This can be your passport with a visa, home office documents, residence card, copies are accepted. 
  • Proof of address – this can be a professional letter, council tax bill, NHS letter, utility bill, bank statement, tenancy agreement, welfare benefit award letter, insurance letter.  You can also use your drivers license, for some applications, as long as it has the correct address, copies are accepted.  Letters and bills need to be dated within the past 2 months.
  • Proof of child benefit – if you have children dependent on you for accommodation please provide evidence you are receiving child benefit.  For those who may not receive child benefit for all children, copies of the child element of Universal credit awards will be accepted.
  • Proof of Local Connection – you need to demonstrate you meet the Local Connection criteria.  There are a number of ways to qualify for local connection, you need to meet just one of the following:
  • Resident in area for 12 months – this can be confirmation of your current address
  • Resident in area for 3 out of the past 5 years – this could be a tenancy agreement, past letters/documents with your address on it, old council tax bills
  • Have a close family member (Parents, siblings, grandparents or adult children) in area who have lived here for 5 years –
  • Paid employment of at least 16 hours per week, in the area, for a minimum of 12 months on either a permanent or fixed term contract or you are self employed –this can be your contract of employment, a letter from your employer, a statement from your accountant.

Village Local Connections

Criteria to the villages of Test Valley differs from the general Local Connection criteria.  If you wish to be considered for a property in a village you must meet and evidence, one of the following:

  • Ordinarily resident in the village or parish – you will need to provide evidence that are you already live in the village or parish, this can be a professional letter, council tax bill, NHS letter, utility bill, bank statement, tenancy agreement, welfare benefit award letter, insurance letter.  You can also use your drivers license, for some applications, as long as it has the correct address, copies are accepted.  Letters and bills need to be dated within the past 2 months.
  • Previously ordinarily resident in the village or parish prior to the date of allocation/nomination and has family who ordinarily resides there -you will need to provide evidence that you have previously lived in the village or parish and you have family members who still live in the village or parish. The evidence required is proof of your previous village or parish address and proof of your family member and their current village or parish address.
  • Employment – you will need to either be currently employed in a village or parish or about to take up employment.  You will need to provide evidence of this employment, which may be your contract of employment. 
  • To support or be supported by a family member who is ordinarily resident in the village or parish – an officer is likely to ask you more questions about the support you either or need to receive or give, they will then request information based on your individual circumstances.  You will need to provide proof that you family member is resident in the village or parish. 

A village connection will not be confirmed on your application until you have upload the evidence required to your Hampshire Home Choice application. 

How do I know if I have been accepted onto the Housing Register

You will receive a letter confirming that you have been accepted onto the Hampshire Home Choice Housing Register. This will tell you the band you have been placed, your priority date and the size of property you are eligible for.

Can you refuse to accept me onto the Hampshire Home Choice Housing Register

There are some people who are not eligible to be included on the Housing Register. These are: 

  • Certain people who are subject to Immigration Control under the 1996 Asylum and Immigration Act.
  • Certain people from abroad who are not subject to immigration control but who are not habitually resident in the UK, the Channel Islands, the Isle of Man or the Republic of Ireland.

You will also need to be a qualifying person. You will normally be a qualifying person if you:

  • Are in Housing Need and
  • Have a single or joint income of less than £60,000 or £45,000 for Eastleigh applicants and
  • Have Assets and/or Savings of less than £16,000 and
  • Have a Local Connection with one of the participating Councils.

There are some exceptions. For more information contact one of the participating Councils.

What is a local connection to qualify for Hampshire Home Choice

A local connection is met through residency, previous residency, employment or close family resident in one of the participating Council areas.

a. Residency Qualification

  • Have been resident in the HHC sub-region for 12 continuous months at the time of application or
  • have lived in the HHC sub-region for 3 out of previous 5 years or
  • Have close family (mother, father, brother or sister, adult children, grandparents) who have been resident for 5 continuous years and continue to be resident in the HHC sub-region.

b. Employment

An applicant may be a qualifying person if he/she or his/her partner is in employment which meets all of the following criteria:

  • The office or business establishment at which a person is based or from where their work is managed is within the HHC sub-region and
  • Is in paid employment and
  • Works a minimum of 16 hours per week and
  • Has been employed for a minimum of 12 continuous months at the time of their application and is currently in employment and
  • Has a permanent or fixed term contract or is self-employed.

If an applicant or their partner is self-employed further information may be required including but not limited to evidence that they are registered with HMRC for tax and National Insurance payments, tax returns, payslips, accounts, etc.

An application can only be registered with one local authority; usually the local authority where the local connection criterion is met. If an applicant has a local connection to more than one local authority area within the HHC sub-region their application will reflect this.

What is a local connection for a village/parish vacancy

Some properties are restricted to applicants who can demonstrate a local connection to a specific village/parish in which the property is built.  A village/parish local connection is defined as follows:

  • Ordinarily resident in the village/parish.
  • Previously ordinarily resident in the village/parish prior to the date of allocation and has family who ordinarily reside there.
  • Employment - current or to take up permanent employment in the village/parish.
  • To support or be supported by member of family ordinarily resident in the village/parish.
Can you suspend my application

Your application will be suspended until you have provided any requested information.

Your application may be suspended in the following circumstances if:

  • You deliberately worsen your circumstances.
  • A household member is responsible for unacceptable behaviour.
  • You and or your partner have former rent arrears.
  • You or your partner has a debt with a Local Authority and/or Registered Provider.
  • You refuse two suitable offers of accommodation within 6 months.
How are applications prioritised

All housing applications are assessed according to housing need and are placed in one of four bands.  Priority within the band is decided by the date the application was awarded that band with the oldest registration date having greatest priority.

What do I do if my circumstances change

It is very important that you tell us of any changes in your circumstances. Click here to login and update your application. We will tell you if this results in your application moving to a different band. If you move up a band, your priority date will be the date you move into that band. If you move down a band, your priority date will remain the same.  

In some circumstances you may no longer qualify to remain on the Housing Register, and your application will be cancelled.  We will write to you to tell you if your application has been cancelled and the reasons why. If you are not happy with this decision you can request a review.

Do I need to renew my application each year

Yes, once a year, normally on the anniversary of your application.  

What if someone in my household has a health or welfare condition

If someone in your household has a health or welfare condition you will be asked to provide details, which may then be considered by the Council’s Medical Panel. Housing options may be offered in the first instance to assist you in resolving any issues you may be experiencing.

How often are properties advertised

Properties available for rent are advertised each week for one week. In some instances Winchester City Council may advertise properties for two weeks.   

Where are properties advertised

Properties are advertised in the following ways:

  • Online at www.hampshirehomechoice.org.uk
  • In a newsletter available from participating Councils.
  • Property adverts available from participating Councils.
What information will the property adverts contain

The adverts will tell you the landlord, location, size, rent and other features of the property. Where available a photograph of the property or a similar property type will be provided and you will be able to access information about the local area and facilities.

The advert will also tell you if there are any special requirements that the applicant must meet, such as age requirements, whether the landlord allows pets and any restrictions on the number of children allowed to live in the property. 

What is an Affordable Rented property

Affordable rented properties will be made available to tenants at up to a maximum of 80% of market rent and will be allocated in the same way as social housing is at present.

What is a Fixed Term Tenancy

Under the Localism Act, Local Authorities and Registered Providers are able to offer new tenants 'fixed term tenancies' rather than traditional 'lifetime' tenancies.  Fixed term tenancies can be offered for a minimum of 2 years in exceptional circumstances, but are usually offered for 5 years.

How do I express an interest in a property

You can bid for properties in the following ways:

  • Online through our website, www.hampshirehomechoice.org.uk
  • Telephone one of the participating Councils.
  • Visit one of the participating Councils or Registered Providers Offices.
How many properties can I express an interest in

You will be able to express an interest in a maximum of three properties each week. However, you will only be able to express interest in properties that are suitable for your household.

How long will I have to bid for a property

Properties will be advertised from midnight on a Tuesday and you will be able to register your interest in properties up until midnight the following Sunday. It does not matter when you bid as long as you bid between these times.

Will I know how many other people are interested in the same property

Yes, when you bid for a property you will be told where you are in the queue. This is likely to change frequently due to other people bidding for the same property. Using this information you may decide to withdraw your bid for one property and bid for a different property for which you are higher placed in the queue. You can do this at any time before the closing date.

How do you decide who is offered a property

Once the closing date for bids has passed a shortlist of interested applicants is drawn up. The shortlist is in order of the highest bands and earliest priority date. The applicant at the top of the list  and who meets all of the advert and preference criteria and who is therefore at the top of the shortlist will normally be offered the property. 

If I successfully bid for a rented property, can the landlord refuse to let it to me

You may not be invited to view the property for the following reasons:

  • You do not meet the advert and preference criteria and will be skipped.
  • You are a Council or Housing Association tenant and legal action has been taken against you because you have broken your tenancy conditions.
  • You owe rent or have other housing related debts to a social landlord.
  • You have sufficient resources to solve your own housing problems.
  • You have not provided the required documentary evidence to support your application. 
  • Your circumstances have changed and this results in a reduction in your level of priority. 
  • You have provided incorrect or misleading information which has resulted in your application being awarded a higher priority than it deserves.

If you have an unborn baby and no other children you will not be assessed as requiring an additional bedroom until the child is born and a copy of the birth certificate has been received. If in the meantime you are successful for a 1 bedroom property, it will remain the landlord’s decision whether they accept you for a 1 bedroom property.

If I am offered a property, will I be able to view it before making up my mind

Yes. You will be given an opportunity to view the property and decide whether you would like to accept it.

What if I don’t like the property when I have seen it

You will not normally be penalised for refusing a property that you have been offered and will still be able to express interest in properties that become available. However, if you refuse an offer on two occasions within a six months period, your application will be suspended.  You will not be able to bid for further properties for six months from the date you refused the second property.

How will I know what has happened to the properties advertised 

Information about homes that have been successfully let is published on the website. To see the results of properties that have been let use the Properties and recent lets search. This information will give you a better idea of how popular a particular property or area is and how long you would normally have to wait. You can then decide whether to look for other types of property or areas where you may not have to wait as long.

Can I take my pets with me

Some properties are not pet friendly. You should not bid for any property which states 'no pets'.

Do I have to give notice to my current landlord

You will need to check with your landlord how much notice you would have to give if you are offered another property.  Usually you will have to give 4 weeks.

Are carpets and appliances provided

You will normally have to provide your own carpets and appliances.

What other options are there for housing

There is a severe shortage of homes in the Hampshire area. Most applicants on the Housing Register will have to wait a long time for re-housing and many of those in the lower bands will still have little chance of re-housing in the local area. Depending on your circumstances you may wish to consider other options such as renting in the private sector. Interviews to discuss your housing options are available from your local Council.

What if I become homeless

Households who are homeless or threatened with homelessness will be dealt with outside the scheme. You should contact your local Council to arrange an interview to discuss your circumstances. We will work with you to try to prevent you becoming homeless and will discuss your housing options with you. You may still express an interest in properties through Hampshire Home Choice, providing your application has been accepted on the Housing Register, but in most cases it is unlikely that this will be in time to resolve your homelessness, as most applicants will have to wait a long time before being successful.

How do I request a review of a decision

If you disagree with any decision you can request a review. To request a review you must contact the Council dealing with your application within 21 days of the date you are notified of the decision and the reason for it. You may provide additional information in writing that you wish to be taken into account when the review is carried out. You will normally be advised of the outcome of the review within 56 days. You may not request a further review.