The following provides you with information about our Privacy Notice and Declaration.

Privacy Notice

Hampshire Home Choice is a sub-regional choice based lettings scheme made up of East Hampshire District Council, Eastleigh Borough Council, Havant Borough Council, Test Valley Borough Council and Winchester City Council. The participating Councils have agreed a common approach for the allocation of social housing across the five local authority areas.

The Councils will only process your information where is it lawful to do so.  The lawful basis for processing your information for access to the Hampshire Home Choice Scheme is on the basis that processing is in the exercise of official authority vested in the Councils.

The categories of information the Councils shall process include the following: Name, Address, contact details (telephone and email) and NI Number. Household details; Date of birth, Gender, Disability and medical information and support needs, Nationality and Ethnic origin. Criminal Convictions and Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements. Employment and Benefit details, including income. Current and previous living arrangements including landlord details. Extended family details (i.e. family member(s) provides a local connection). Financial information: Savings and if any debt with a local authority or registered provider.

Where the processing of information includes information about; race; ethnic origin, religion, health, sex life or sexual orientation (‘special categories’ of personal data), the Councils are processing the information based on substantial public interest.

Where the processing of information includes information about criminal convictions, the processing shall be on the basis of processing the data in an official capacity.

Where the processing of information is on the basis of a statutory or contractual requirement and you fail to provide personal information or refuse to provide information to the Councils, the Councils may be unable to provide you with the services or assistance you require. 

The Councils do not use automated decision making / profiling when processing your data.

The information the Councils holds about you may be shared with the following third parties; Registered Providers, Specified public bodies as described by the Secretary of State as required by law or statutory functions, Impartial Medical Advisory Service for assessing applications on medical grounds, Occupational Therapists and other Health Professionals to assess applications on adaptations needs, Portsmouth City Council (Commissioned to provide an Out of Hours Service on behalf of East Hampshire District Council and Havant Borough Council), Where Services may be of benefit to you and when you have given us permission to do so and Civica (IT Provider). The Councils also take part in the National Fraud Initiative an exercise that matches electronic data within and between public and private sector bodies to prevent and detect fraud.

The personal information shall be stored for no longer than is necessary.

You have a legal right to request from the Councils access to and rectification or erasure of personal data or restriction of processing about you or to object to processing. 

Where processing is on the basis for the performance of a public task, your rights regarding erasure and portability of your personal data do not apply. Where processing is based on consent, you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. 

The Councils will only process your information for the purposes for which the information is collected.

The Council will not transfer your personal information outside of the European Economic Area (EEA).

The following Councils are the data controllers for the purposes of the Hampshire Home Choice Scheme in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation:

East Hampshire District Council

Data Protection Officer

01730 266551

Eastleigh Borough Council

Data Protection Officer

02380 688165

Havant Borough Council

Data Protection Officer

023 9244 6019

Test Valley Borough Council

Data Protection Officer

Head of Legal Services

01264 368000

Winchester City Council

Data Protection Officer

Fiona Sutherland

01962 840222  

In the event that you wish to complain or contact the Councils regarding any aspects of how your information is handled please direct your complaints or queries to:  The Data Protection Officer at the relevant Council processing your application.  You also have the right to complain to the Information Commissioner.

Information Commissioner's Office

Wycliffe House

Water Lane




Tel: 0303 123 1113 (local rate) or 01625 545 745 if you prefer to use a national rate number

Fax: 01625 524 510

How to make a complaint to the Information Commissioner's Office   

For the avoidance of doubt, the following Registered Providers shall be considered data controllers in their own right when processing your personal information under the Scheme. Any concerns regarding the processing of personal information by the Registered Provider should be directed to the relevant provider.

For more information about your individual rights and how the Councils collect, use, keep your personal information.



I/We have read and understood the Privacy Notice, understanding how the Council’s collect and use my/our data and that the data provided may be shared and that the relevant Council may seek information from various third parties in order to assess my/our housing needs.

Data Protection Act 2018 and General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR): Sharing Information

I/We understand the information the Councils hold about me/us may be shared with the following third parties:  

  • Registered Providers.
  • Specified public bodies as described by the Secretary of State as required by law or statutory functions.
  • Impartial Medical Advisory Service for assessing applications on medical grounds.
  • Occupational Therapists and other Health Professionals to assess applications on adaptations needs.
  • Portsmouth City Council (Commissioned to provide an Out of Hours Service on behalf of East Hampshire District Council and Havant Borough Council)
  • Where Services may be of benefit to you.
  • When you have given us permission to do so.
  • Civica (IT Provider).
  • The Councils also take part in the National Fraud Initiative an exercise that matches electronic data within and between public and private sector bodies to prevent and detect fraud.

I/We understand the information the Council’s hold about me/us may also be shared for the following purposes:

  • The prevention or detection of crime.
  • Where there is an overriding public interest in a disclosure taking place.
False or Misleading Statements

I/We confirm the information I/we will provide on my/our application form will be true and correct. I/We will inform the relevant Council if any of these details change. I/We understand that any changes may alter my/our entitlement to housing and understand that my/our application may be cancelled if I/we give false or misleading information, or if I/we withhold information.

If I/we am/are granted a tenancy because I/we have given false or misleading information, or because of information I/we have withheld, I/we understand that my/our tenancy may be terminated and I/we may have to pay a fine of up to £5,000 under the Housing Act 1996.

I/We understand that if I/we make a false statement, withhold information or fail to tell the relevant Council if my/our circumstances change, it is an offence and I/we may be subject to a fine of up to £5,000 under the Housing Act 1996.


I/We hereby authorise the relevant Council to use my/our information as set out in the Privacy Notice and Declaration and give consent for third parties to disclose information to East Hampshire District Council, Eastleigh Borough Council, Havant Borough Council, Test Valley Borough Council and Winchester City Council Housing Services for these purposes, as applicable.

I/We agree that the details given on my/our application form can be used in connection with any homelessness application I/we may make under Part VII of the Housing Act 1996.

I/We understand that the relevant Council may ask my/our landlord for information about my/our rent payments and if I/we are in arrears with my/our rent payments.

I/We agree that this authorisation may be printed and that copies may be used to obtain any required information which is relevant to my application for housing.